Monday, November 30, 2009

White Chicks

Released: 2004

Reviewed: 11.25.09
Star rating: 2 out of 5

Shawn Wayans (Kevin), Marlon Wayans (Marcus), Jaime King (Heather), Frankie Faison (Chief), Lochlyn Munro (Jake), John Heard (Warren), Busy Philipps (Karen), Terry Crews (Latrell), Brittany Daniel (Megan).

Kevin and Marcus are a couple of FBI agents who are about to lose their jobs after a drug bust is ruined by the Wilson sisters. Then assigned to protect the sisters from the drug dealers, the brothers decide the best way to catch the criminals is to impersonate the two girls.

Basically this is two black men dressing as uppity rich white girls, trying to fit into their upper class lifestyle, and catch the bad guys. The premise is good and the film delivers a few laughs but it isn't anywhere near as funny as it could have been. The first 20 minutes were funny then the bad makeup, dumb blonde jokes, and making fun of white folks got old. After that, the film just got boring and repetitive. What there was of a plot was really incidental to the idea of black men dressing like white girls and basically poking fun at whites. Where this movie was a non-event I can only imagine what would happen were some white men to try and dress like black women and make the same movie.

I do have to give credit to the Wayans brothers. Despite the plot, and lame dialogue, they actually have some acting ability. Crews was the one bright spot for me and was absolutely hysterical in his role. Supporting work wasn't bad but could have been a lot more.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds were nicely done. Dialogue was ridiculous as expected while the soundtrack wasn't half bad, thanks to Vanessa Carlton.

Overall this was a decent teen chick-flick but it wasn't the hysterical comedy I had hoped to see. The recycling of the same basic jokes over and over ruined this one, which could have been a much better film. Some crude humor but this should be fine for teens and above.

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