Monday, March 27, 2017

Movie review: Deepwater Horizon


When the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig exploded in 2010 it created the worst oil spill in U.S. history. This dramatization follows the events that led the rig to fail, and the heroic efforts and experiences of the 126 crew members aboard.

Mark Wahlberg (Mike), Kurt Russell (Jimmy), Douglas Griffin (Landry), James DuMont (O'Bryan), Joe Chrest (Sims), Gina Rodriguez (Andrea), Brad Leland (Kaluza), John Malkovich (Vidrine), Ethan Suplee (Jason).

Deepwater Horizon begins with some character introductions before shifting to oil rig operations. From there we are off and running as a cascade of poor decisions and bad luck lead us to the failure of the rig. The rest of the film details the reactions of those on the rig, including heroic actions by many to try and save others. While the film is emotionally intense and very well done, the sad result was 11 lives lost and the worst oil spill in U.S. History.

Acting was nicely done with Wahlberg and Russell both delivering very well and appearing to work easily with one another. Rodriguez was a bright spot with great delivery. Malkovich delivered wonderfully as always, as did Suplee and the remainder of the cast.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds were very well done. The film does a great job of conveying the size and environment of a large oil rig. CGI was almost seamless and fit the film perfectly. Dialogue was solid and brought good depth to the film. Sound and soundtrack were good.

With many films based on true stories there is obvious embellishment to make the film more exciting. Deepwater Horizon on the other hand feels like a solid retelling of the story that translated well to the big screen. Technical work, acting, and the story itself are all very engaging and entertaining. Those that enjoy action drama films or have interest in the Deepwater Horizon story should enjoy this one.

With some intense action including disturbing images and foul language, this should be fine for teens and above.

Released: 2016
Reviewed: 3.24.17
Star rating: 4 out of 5
Genre: Action & Adventure, Action Drama, Action Thriller, Movies based on true stories

copyright ©2017 Dave Riedel

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