In this superhero horror, a child from another planet crash-lands on Earth and is found by a couple who adopts him as their own. Years later his true nature comes to the surface and nobody is safe.
Elizabeth Banks (Tori), David Denman (Kyle), Jackson Dunn (Brandon), Abraham Clinkscales (Royce), Christian Finlayson (Fauxhawk), Jennifer Holland (Ms. Espenschied), Emmie Hunter (Caitlyn), Matt Jones (Noah).
Brightburn is an interesting entry in the superhero horror genre. Falling to Earth as a child, Brandon is raised as a human by two loving parents when he begins to exhibit unusual abilities. While we think for a moment he might become a superhero, our hopes are quickly dashed when it appears Brandon may prefer decimation of the human race. The remainder of the film is a dark twisted trail through to the end.
Acting was decent with Banks and Denman both delivering fairly well. Dunn was well cast and fit his role both visually and with his skills. Jones was an enjoyable addition and did well, as did Hunter, Clinkscales and the remainder of the supporting cast.
Camera work, sets, and backgrounds were mild but fitting though some darker scenes were challenging. Action scenes and VFX worked together nicely to give the film a supernatural feel that felt reality based. Dialogue was okay and moved things along fairly well. Sound and soundtrack are good.
Overall Brightburn is a dark but enjoyable sci-fi horror that gives a new perspective on a familiar story. Those who enjoy superhero horror or darker films should enjoy this one.
With somewhat graphic violence, foul language, and potentially disturbing scenes, save this one for older teens and above.
Released: 2019
Reviewed: 10.17.21
Star rating: 4 out of 5
Genre: Superhero horror, Sci-Fi horror, Sci-Fi Drama, Mystery, Horror
copyright ©2021 Dave Riedel
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