Monday, October 12, 2009


Released: 2008
Reviewed: 10.9.09
Star Rating: 4 out of 5

Shiloh Fernandez (Rickie), Noah Segan (JT), Michael Bowen (Clint), Candice Accola (JoAnn), Andrew DiPalma (Johnny), Eric Podnar (Wheeler), Jenny Spain (Deadgirl), Nolan Funk (Dwyer).

Rickie and JT skip school and break into a deserted mental hospital for kicks and while exploring find a naked woman covered in plastic on a gurney. As they ponder how she came to be in a room with the door rusted shut they realize she is alive at which point JT suggests they take advantage of her rather than freeing her.

This movie starts off rather mild, looking like it might not amount to much but as the plot develops it isn't long before you realize you are watching some serious depravity. At the same time you are so involved in the story by then that you keep watching. As Rickie's conscience leads him to trying to free Deadgirl, JT seems almost hypnotized by the power he has over her and that she can't be killed. He even suggests at one point that they can use bullet holes in her body to satisfy themselves so they can each have their own. And as more and more people find out about her things get even more twisted. The film moves along nicely for the most part with only a few slow spots that actually contrast the high-emotion scenes well.

Acting in this one was mixed with Fernandez putting forth a mediocre performance. Segan however was awesome and slid into the creepy parts of his role very well. Spain was pretty good despite having no dialogue while Accola and DiPalma did well as antagonists.

Camera work, sets, backgrounds, and special effects were all nicely done and supported the quality and mood of the film well. Dialogue was okay for the most part and kept the plot moving along. Soundtrack was basically a non-event.

Overall this was an pretty good movie with an interesting plot concept. Be warned however, this is a graphic display of depravity. Fairly explicit rape or necrophilia scenes, your choice, are prevalent throughout the film. There is also plenty of violence, foul language, blood and gore, and adult concepts. If any of those offends you easily stay away from this one. Billed as a horror flick, this is more about physical and emotional depravity than actually scaring the audience or showing gore. Adults only on this one!!

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