Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Released: 2009
Reviewed: 10.18.09
Star rating: 4 out of 5

Chris Evans (Nick), Djimon Hounsou (Henry), Dakota Fanning (Cassie), Camilla Belle (Kira), Neil Jackson (Victor), Xiaolu Li (Pop Girl), Cliff Curtis (Hook).

A government agency called the Division is hunting down and using people with psychic abilities to help them build an army. But when Kira escapes with the means to bring down Division an all out war between them and the psychic's is the result. With Division killer Henry on their trail a small band of psychic's rushes to find the ultimate solution to the Division once and for all.

This one started off with some good background and character development necessary to the story. Once out of the way the plot starts off a bit slow with more character and plot development before the action gets going. The story is a bit confusing at time with terminology apparently only known by the filmmakers so paying attention helps. The variety of action with the different types of psychic's keeps your attention well and gets you to thinking about the possibilities. The film is good right up until the end which is a bit of a disappointment when it becomes obvious this was a setup for a sequel with no real ending.

Acting was good, particularly from Evans, Hounsou and surprisingly Fanning who all seemed to have good energy. Belle seemed largely disconnected and aloof while Li did a very good job. Curtis was also quite enjoyable in his role.

Sets, background, and camera work were all nicely done though CGI in a few shots was very obvious. Dialogue was pretty good but difficult at times as it came fast and in subtitles. It also seemed like the volume wasn't steady at times with extreme highs and lows.

Overall this was a nice sci-fi thriller or action film with a decent if not completely original or unique plot. It really felt like Stephen King's Firestarter that went in a different direction. If you read the book you will even find similarities with the title of this film. Put this one in about the middle of your Must See list.

With plenty of violence, some foul language, smoking and teen drinking this one surprisingly should be fine for teens and above.

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