Monday, November 11, 2019

Movie review: Forbidden Planet

 When a remote planetary colony goes silent, a starship from Earth is sent to investigate. When only two survivors are found the crew learns one of them is keeping a deadly secret.

Walter Pidgeon (Dr. Morbius), Anne Francis (Altaira), Leslie Nielsen (Cmdr. Adams), Warren Stevens (Doc), Jack Kelly (Lt. Farman), Richard Anderson (Chief Quinn), Earl Holliman (Cook), George Wallace (Bosun).

Forbidden Planet is a delicious 1950's pulp-fiction sci-fi classic  which follows a starship crew dispatched to investigate the fate of the Altair-IV colony. Landing on the paradise planet, the crew find only two survivors; Dr. Morbius and his daughter, Altaira. With much of the focus on Altaira, strange things begin to happen and we learn Dr. Morbius has uncovered the secrets of a long-lost civilization, the same secrets which destroyed them. The remainder of the film is an enjoyable sci-fi drama with a solid ending.

Acting was good and it was fun to see Nielsen when he was young, in a serious role. Pidgeon was okay while Francis was the obvious pretty thing needing attention, a role she handled well. Holliman was another familiar face and did okay, as did the remainder of the supporting cast.

Effects in Forbidden Planet, particularly for a 50's film, are well done and enjoyable even holding up fairly well over time. And who can forget Robby the Robot who became a sci-fi icon? Sets are exceptionally well done and fitting. Dialogue is a bit campy at times but works. Sound and soundtrack are good.

Overall Forbidden Planet is a robust classic that remains well worth the watch. Fans of older sci-fi, campy sci-fi, or just sci-fi in general should enjoy this one. Those needing updated CGI and action may be slightly disappointed.

Very little here to limit audience age. Preens and above should be fine with this one.

Released: 1956
Reviewed: 11.10.19
Star rating: 3 out of 5
Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Drama, Campy Classics

copyright ©2019 Dave Riedel

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