Monday, December 24, 2018

Movie review: History’s Mysteries: Secret Societies

 A History Channel exploration into secret societies and groups exploring the possibility of their existence, possible goals and aspirations, and functions. With input from well known conspiracy theorists on Skull and Bones, Freemasons, Knights Templar, Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission.

Rather than being a true unbiased exploration or history of secret societies this documentary really is a 42 minute speech on conspiracy theories. There are some bits and pieces of interesting information but they are found wallowing between soap box type speeches about how a few elite groups are trying to dominate our global economy. It wasn’t long into the film before it felt as if they were trying to convince the viewer of conspiracy theories rather than explore the history of secret societies. I was particularly frustrated with references to Knights Templar that weren’t quantified in any way at all, just tossed out as if to say “We know they are guilty of something but we don’t know what”. There were also many pieces of information that were questionable at best, timelines that didn’t quite fit, and relationships between groups that have not only never been confirmed but have actually been publicly denied by the groups.

In the end, this ‘documentary’ felt very much like a propaganda publication by a few conspiracy theorists which raises the question; How did they convince the respectable History Channel to produce this film? It would almost seem as if the conspiracy theorists who are concerned about the power of a few elite groups have a considerable amount of power themselves, but are trying to shift focus.

Overall, if you are a conspiracy theory fan this one is for you. It may not give you any new information but for anyone else truly interested in the history, this is a waste of time.

Nothing here to limit audience age.

Released: 2001
Reviewed: 12.11.18
Star rating: 1 out of 5
Genre: Mystery, History, Documentary

copyright ©2018 Dave Riedel

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