Love, Death & Robots is a collection of almost completely animated short stories covering genres that include sci-fi, comedy, horror, space, and war.
There wasn't much acting here. Most of the work by actors was voice work, which was well done by all.
Animation here covers a wide range. A couple of episodes we were actually questioning if they were animated or not. With most others the animation was obvious, but in almost every episode it was well done. What little visual acting there was is done well. Dialogue also ranges from serious to funny to a complete mess. Sound is good.
In the end Love, Death & Robots is a good collection of nicely done animation shorts. Those who enjoy animation, and even those who don't like myself, should enjoy this one.
With a fair amount of sexuality, nudity, violence, gore, disturbing images, and foul language, this one should probably be saved for older teens and above.
Released: 2019
Reviewed: 4.11.19
Star rating: 4 out of 5
Genre: Fantasy, Animation, Comedy, Romance, Horror
copyright ©2019 Dave Riedel
There wasn't much acting here. Most of the work by actors was voice work, which was well done by all.
Animation here covers a wide range. A couple of episodes we were actually questioning if they were animated or not. With most others the animation was obvious, but in almost every episode it was well done. What little visual acting there was is done well. Dialogue also ranges from serious to funny to a complete mess. Sound is good.
In the end Love, Death & Robots is a good collection of nicely done animation shorts. Those who enjoy animation, and even those who don't like myself, should enjoy this one.
With a fair amount of sexuality, nudity, violence, gore, disturbing images, and foul language, this one should probably be saved for older teens and above.
Released: 2019
Reviewed: 4.11.19
Star rating: 4 out of 5
Genre: Fantasy, Animation, Comedy, Romance, Horror
copyright ©2019 Dave Riedel