Friday, July 5, 2019

Movie review: American Honey

 Oklahoma teen Star leaves her dull life and joins a group of traveling magazine sellers. Soon she is crisscrossing the country finding drugs, alcohol, passion and bending the law.

Sasha Lane (Star), Shia LaBeouf (Jake), Riley Keough (Krystal), McCaul Lombardi (Corey), Arielle Holmes (Pagan), Crystal Ice (Katness), Veronica Ezell (QT), Chad Cox (Billy), Garry Howell (Austin).

American Honey begins with a bit about Star before she quickly meets Jake and joins Krystal's crew. Main characters now in place, the plot can begin and Star is off on a drug, alcohol, sex fueled adventure. Sadly, her adventure is actually ours, as she repeatedly makes obviously poor choices and seems to have no care about herself or her life. And that sums up the rest of the almost three hour long film through

Acting was a mix. LaBeouf felt like he was completely checked out at times but delivered an interesting performance in other scenes. Lane delivered well and it would be nice to see her in a more normal role. Keough was actually well cast and delivered nicely. The remainder of the supporting cast characters were never developed beyond casually.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds felt like this was a summer camp production for the most part. A little mild action was okay. Dialogue left a lot to be assumed and the imagination. Sound and soundtrack are okay.

Overall this one was a miss. The film never develops any serious energy and ends up feeling like a tag-along with a teenage girl running away from home to sow some wild oats that really aren't very wild or interesting.

With some fairly graphic sexuality and nudity, violence, foul language, and drug use, save this one for older teens and above.

Released: 2016
Reviewed: 7.2.19
Star rating: 2 out of 5
Genre: Romance, Adventure, Drama, Independent Films

copyright ©2019 Dave Riedel

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