Friday, September 21, 2018

Movie review: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)

 An alien construction crew is set to demolish Earth and seconds before work begins Arthur Dent is whisked from the planet by his friend, Ford. Working on a new edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", Ford drags Dent along on the adventure of a lifetime.

Martin Freeman (Dent), Zooey Deschanel (Trillian), Alan Rickman (Marvin voice), Stephen Fry (Narrator), John Malkovich (Humma), Helen Mirren (Deep Thought), Sam Rockwell (Zaphod), Bill Nighy (Slartibartfast), Yasiin Bey (Ford).

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy begins nicely enough with some plot setup and character introductions. From there the film only gets sillier and the social satire stronger. The film picks up pace as Dent's journey progresses, and while he may find the meaning of the Universe the answer will likely be incomprehensible. The film winds down with a lovely Happy Ever After ending and our own yearning for more.

Acting was amusing and well done. Dent and Deschanel both delivered well and worked nicely together. Rockwell was perfectly cast in a quirky role requiring his strange humor. Rickman, Fry, and Mirren all did great voice work. Bey delivered well, as did Malkovich, Nighy, and the remainder of the cast.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds were all a ton of fun and fitting for the film. Costuming was exceptional and added greatly to the film. CGI and effects are simple, funny, and enjoyable. Dialogue was campy, corny, and brought plenty of chuckles. Sound and soundtrack are solid.

If you have not seen The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy yet you are one of the few so be sure and check it out. Plenty of laughs and a plot that is more about social satire and comedy than anything else. Those who enjoy a silly fun film for the laughs should enjoy this one.

With some mild foul language, this should be fine for preens and above.

Released: 2005
Reviewed: 9.12.18
Star rating: 4 out of 5
Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Classics

copyright ©2018 Dave Riedel

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