Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Movie review: Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

 The last Jedi believes the Jedi must end. But when found by Rey, who is exploring her newfound abilities, Luke guides her to the true meaning of the force even while growing concerned about pull from the dark side. As she learns, Rey tries to convince Luke to aid in the Resistance battle against the First Order.

Mark Hamill (Luke), Daisy Ridley (Rey), Carrie Fisher (Leia), Adam Driver (Kylo), John Boyega (Finn), Oscar Isaac (Poe), Andy Serkis (Snoke), Domhnall Gleeson (Hux), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Benicio Del Toro (DJ).

Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi begins, as usual, with some space text mean to bring us up to speed on things. From there we jump right into the war between the Resistance and the First Order, with sub-plots coming close behind. During the rest of the film we pretty much just watch the pretty CGI and wonder, what just happened!? Unlike previous films, this one does very little around character growth and the characters many of us do know are warped and twisted until we don't know them anymore. Even the humor here feels flat and forced.

Acting was mediocre at best. Hamill was decent but no longer fit his role. Ridley was interesting but felt one dimensional. Driver missed it completely, coming across as a spoiled child rather than an evil leader. Del Toro was amusing and quirky as usual and fit his role well. The remainder of the supporting cast felt bland and somewhat lifeless.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds are good but far behind the CGI, which was excellent. The film depends heavily on CGI and effects, which were nicely done throughout. Dialogue could have done a lot more to add depth and generate audience interest. Sound and soundtrack are solid.

Sadly, I'd be surprised if Star Wars fans enjoy this one much. The only real positive being that it fills in a few gaps in the story. Beyond that, this one felt like an injustice to previous films in the franchise.

With some mild sexuality, violence, gore, foul language, and disturbing images, this should actually be fine for teens and above.

Released: 2017
Reviewed: 7.24.18
Star rating: 4 out of 5
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Action & Adventure

copyright ©2018 Dave Riedel

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