Friday, May 28, 2021

Movie review: Extracurricular Activities

 Reagan is a mature, intelligent high school student whose after-school job is arranging the accidental deaths of his classmates' parents, for a price. But when a bumbling cop begins to connect the dots Reagan starts to feel the heat.

Colin Ford (Reagan), Darlene Vogel (Mom), Gary Hudson (Dad), Timothy Simons (Dawkins), Nicholas Cutro (Sam), Arianna Ortiz (Miss Peterson), Patrick Fabian (Mr. Wallace), Angela Kinsey (Mrs. Wallace).

Extracurricular Activities begins by showing us one of Reagan's arranged accidents that we don't even realize as such. As the story continues we get some character introductions and bits of backstory as we learn the depth of Reagan's job. Once bumbling Detective Dawkins begins to see the connections, things get much more interesting with an amusing game of cat-and-mouse through the fairly entertaining ending.

Acting was good with Ford delivering a convincing and solid performance. Simons delivered well and fit his role nicely. Vogel and Hudson fit well and delivered nicely, as did the remainder of the supporting cast.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds are good with a solid realistic feel throughout. Action scenes were fitting and fun. Dialogue was decent with reasonable depth and movement. Sound and soundtrack are okay.

Overall Extracurricular Activities is a nicely done crime comedy that stays fairly light-hearted. The acting and technical work are good and story moves along at a nice pace.

Nothing much to limit audience age. Given the theme, preens and above should be fine with this one.

Released: 2019
Reviewed: 5.9.21
Star rating: 3 out of 5
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Thriller

copyright ©2021 Dave Riedel

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