Monday, June 7, 2021

Movie review: The Dustwalker

 Officer Sharp must fight to save her small town after a crashed alien spacecraft brings a deadly parasite to earth, infecting the townsfolk and turning them into vicious killers.

Jolene Anderson (Sharp), Stef Dawson (Samantha), Richard Davies (Luke), Cassandra Magrath (Angela), Talina Naviede (Michelle), Harry Greenwood (Paul), Ben Mortley (Bill), Ryan Allen (Anthony), Oscar Harris (Dean).

The Dustwalker begins with the arrival of an alien spacecraft near a small, isolated desert town. Slowly character introductions are made, followed by the main storyline. If this sounds boring, that's because it is. The story takes time to unroll and while doing so allows us the time to truly start disliking the characters. The film attempts to raise the sci-fi aspect a notch toward the end, but fails to have the impact it seems to intend.

Acting was a mess here. Anderson fell flat as a cop and was completely unbelievable through most of the film. Davies was mildly better but considering who he was acting with, couldn't improve things much. Dawson put in the energy but still didn't feel genuine. Most of the rest of the supporting cast felt inexperienced or bland.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds have a realistic feel. Almost too realistic with some awkward framing and lack of background focus appearing to try to conceal backgrounds or set detail. Visual effects were thankfully minimal and simplistic. Action scenes were mild and lacking in action. Dialogue was dry and often lifeless. Sound and soundtrack are lethargic at best.

Overall The Dustwalker is a miss. The storyline is common while acting and technical work could use some help. The film does a poor job of building energy or even audience engagement with characters. The result is a less than mediocre film from about every aspect.

With some mild violence and a couple foul words, this should be fine for teens and above.

Released: 2019
Reviewed: 5.10.21
Star rating: 2 out of 5
Genre: Sci-Fi, Drama, Thriller, Suspense

copyright ©2021 Dave Riedel

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