Monday, January 29, 2018

Movie review: Stasis

 In the future, time-travelers from the future are able to travel back in time by entering and re-animating a body at the time of death. After partying all night Ava returns home to find a time-traveler in control of her body, and soon realizes there are many others who have come back in time to change the future.

Anna Harr (Ava/Seattle), Mark Grossman (Lancer), Phyllis Spielman (Jessica), Tiana Masaniai (Huntress), Caleb Thomas (Matt), Richard Lippert (Captain Suthers), Jeff Locker (Paseo), Greg Lutz (Higgs).

Stasis begins fairly well, giving us a bit of background and setup regarding time-travel. As the main story gets moving the story gets mildly more interesting, but not much. While the plot is somewhat unique, the film is so bland and dry it never really develops much energy. Add a few plot holes, a fair amount of unexplained history and technology, and a Happy Ever After ending and you have Stasis.

Acting felt like beginner night at the local daycare. Harr felt about as authentic and genuine as a pet rock. Grossman was mildly better with a bit of energy and emotion once or twice. Masaniai was obviously eye candy with little depth while the remainder of the supporting cast ranges from dry to ridiculous.

Camera work, sets, and backgrounds were mild but surprisingly decent. Mostly. Action scenes were tepid and lacking energy. Dialogue wasn't bad but could have easily added more depth. Sound and soundtrack were lethargic and uninteresting.

While we thought Stasis was the name of the movie, in actuality it was so boring it felt like the movie was in stasis. The plot is only mildly interesting at best, acting left a lot to be desired, dialogue was dry, and the film lacked energy completely. Those who enjoy sleeping through their sci-fi should enjoy this one.

With only a hint of sexuality, this should be fine for teens and above.

Released: 1.15.18
Star rating: 1 out of 5
Genre: Sci-Fi, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action Sci-Fi, Sci-Fi Drama, Thriller

copyright ©2018 Dave Riedel

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