Monday, October 8, 2018

Movie review: 2012: Doomsday

The Mayan calendar ends Dec. 21, 2012 and four people are drawn to the ancient pyramid temple Chichen Itza on the Yucatan to witness a global catastrophe. But when archeologists discover Christian symbols in ancient ruins they begin to wonder if the end of the world can be avoided.

Cliff De Young (Lloyd), Dale Midkiff (Frank), Ami Dolenz (Susan), Danae Nason (Sarah), Joshua Lee (Alex), Sara Tomko (Wakanna).

This is a phenomenally monumental confusion of theorized Mayan prophecy, Christian fanaticism, folklore, and general spiritual confusion. The idea that Mayans would incorporate Christian religious symbols in their temples is ridiculous considering the history between the two societies. Even more insane is turning the end of the Mayan calendar into a Christian crusade by showing it as the second coming of Christ. I wasn’t sure if I should be bored to death, laugh at loud at the ridiculousness, or be appalled by this film.

Acting was ridiculous by everyone. De Young and Midkiff overacted while Dolenz and Nason had no depth at all. Tomko did the best but her role was so short it was hard to tell.

Camera work and effects were amateur at best with repeated scenes (like the Jewish temple that is destroyed twice in two different parts of the film), or the ridiculous hail-storm that leaves no dents in a car but puts a single hailstone through the windshield killing the driver. Dialogue was unimaginative and sound was horrible. Other than some nice scenery shots there really wasn’t much of quality in this film at all.

For those enjoying end of world scenarios or Mayan history, or even a general interest in the end of the Mayan calendar. .move along. Don’t waste your time on this one unless you are extremely bored.

I don’t remember anything other than violence that would limit audience age in this one but even so, I think it possible this film will cause brain damage in some viewers.

Released: 2008
Reviewed: 9.19.18
Star rating: 1 out of 5
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Adventure, Sci-Fi Thrillers, Disaster Films

copyright ©2018 Dave Riedel

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