Saturday, November 21, 2009

Population 436

Released: 2006

Reviewed: 11.16.09
Star rating: 3 out of 5

Jeremy Sisto (Steve Kady), Fred Durst (Bobby), Leigh Enns (Kathy), Rick Skene (Ray), David Fox (Dr. Greaver), RH Thomson (Sheriff Colcutt), Frank Adamson (Mayor Grateman).

Census taker Steve is sent to Rockwell Falls to figure out how the town has had a population of 436 for over 100 years. Upon arrival it isn't long before he begins to realize something isn't right and he realizes he is a prisoner. Struggling to save himself, his new love, and a young girl even as the town forces him to obey their rules, he may make it out alive only to find out staying would have been better.

This one starts off a bit slow looking like it really isn't going anywhere interesting. With a lot of character and plot development, things are moving along pretty slow. Then suddenly the plot drops a bomb and this film becomes much more interesting than expected. After that it settles into typical suspense mode for a while until the ending which drops another bomb that leaves you questioning what you thought throughout the entire film. Don't get me wrong, this wasn't a monumental film or anything like that but it did deliver a wolf in sheeps clothing quite nicely.

Acting unfortunately didn't help this one much. Although Sisto did okay he just didn't seem to bring the energy needed for the film. Most of the supporting actors seemed much more sincere in their roles and did very nicely.

Camera work, sets and background were all very well done. For a film I hadn't heard of before the production work on this one looked very good and it appears to have had a decent budget. Not much in the way of special effects, nor were they needed. Sound and dialogue were also very nicely done.

Overall this was a very enjoyable film that held your attention well once the plot got going. This is a psychological thriller by the way, not a horror flick. Some violence and one fairly explicit sexual scene with some mild nudity so save this one for older teens and above.

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