Thursday, January 7, 2010

Darkness Falls

Released: 2003

Reviewed: 12.29.09
Star Rating: 3 out of 5

Chaney Kley (Kyle), Emma Caulfield (Caitlin), Lee Cormie (Michael), Grant Piro (Larry), Sullivan Stapleton (Matt), Joshua Anderson (Young Kyle), Emily Browning (Young Caitlin).

Like most of us Kyle grew up with the Tooth Fairy and was told not to look at her. So when Kyle looks one night and sees her he learns that once you see her she can kill you. Now all grown up, Kyle is returning to his hometown to help defend them from the Tooth Fairy who has focused her evil upon them.

This one starts off with some nice background that sets the mood and plot for the rest of the film. After a brief lull, the film picks up the pace right up to the end. I enjoyed the twist on the Tooth Fairy story being that once seen she could kill you since I was raised to believe she simply wouldn't leave you money if you saw her. It made for a nice horror plot and BOO moments even if it wasn't completely solid.

Acting was good from Kley and Caulfield with nice energy. Cormie, Stapleton, Anderson and Browning all did nicely in supporting roles. Camera work, sets and backgrounds were all appropriate and added to the feel of the film. Special effects and CGI were fairly simple but supported the story perfectly without trying to steal the spotlight. Dialogue and sound were also nicely done.

Overall this is a decent horror flick with some good BOO moments. Those with some fear of the dark or fond of BOO scares will probably enjoy this the most while the rest will find it a middle-of-the-road film. The nice thing about this one is that it keeps the story and effects simple while sticking to the plot rather than taking trips down dramatic side-roads with the characters.

With scary supernatural horror and images and some brief language save this for teens and above. Definitely not for children who still believe in the Tooth Fairy as it will scare them silly!

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