Saturday, October 17, 2009


Released: 2008
Reviewed: 10.14.09
Star rating: 4 out of 5

Tony Curran (Driver), Peyton List (Mel), Cameron Goodman (Jules), Cullen Douglas (Andy), Dave Power (Matt), James Snyder (Seth).

Tired from a long night flight from Mexico, taking the airport shuttle looks like the only way home for friends Mel and Jules. With another passenger and two other new friends, the group of passengers find themselves held captive by the shuttle driver who may have a hidden agenda.

This one pretty much jumps right into the story with very little character development. At that point it doesn't take long before we realize something is seriously wrong. Things get even more interesting as the passengers try to extract themselves from what is looking more and more like a situation that can only end with their deaths. As interesting as the plot is, it does require some suspension of reality to believe that with everything that happens the passengers couldn't get free. Fortunately we don't have much time to think about that since the story moves along pretty well. I would love to say more about this one but it would give away the plot which has a few really nice twists.

Acting was pretty good considering the young age of the main characters and lack of experience by the cast as a whole. List did a great job as did Curran and Douglas while Goodman wasn't quite so believeable.

Camera work, sets, sound, and dialogue were all nicely done. Effects and makeup were also well done adding to the overall film quality.

Overall this was a very good thriller with a somewhat original plot, quality details, and decent acting. Well worth a spot toward the top of your Must See list if you enjoy the genre at all. Plenty of violence, terrifying situations, brief nudity, and foul language so save this for the oldest teens and above.

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